
Book Writing Across all Genres Fiction and Non-Fiction

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Embark on a transformative journey through the diverse landscape of book writing, encompassing both fiction and non-fiction genres, in this writing intensive course. Discover the fundamental writing skills essential for crafting compelling narratives across a spectrum of genres, from thrilling mysteries to thought-provoking memoirs. Dive deep into the art of storytelling, honing your craft through a series of immersive lessons designed to ignite your creativity and elevate your writing prowess.


  • 10 Sections
  • 90 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0 Google Meets
  • 0m Duration
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Introduction to Book Writing Across all Genres
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Understanding the Importance of Core Writing Skills in All Genres
  2. Exploring Different Writing Genres and Their Characteristics
  3. Analyzing Successful Books Across Various Genres
  4. Identifying Your Writing Strengths and Areas for Improvement
  5. Setting Writing Goals for the Course
  6. Establishing a Writing Routine and Environment
  7. Building a Support System for Writing
  8. Overcoming Writer's Block and Creative Challenges: Using AI to Help
  9. Developing a Growth Mindset for Writing
Crafting Compelling Characters and Settings
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Creating Multidimensional Characters Across Genres
  2. Crafting Memorable Protagonists and Antagonists
  3. Building Believable and Engaging Settings
  4. Using Description and Imagery to Enhance Settings
  5. Exploring World-Building Techniques in Fiction and Non-Fiction
  6. Utilizing Setting to Drive Plot and Character Development
  7. Researching and Incorporating Real-World Settings
  8. Balancing Character and Setting Descriptions
  9. Workshopping Character and Setting Development
Mastering Plot Development and Structure
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Understanding Basic Plot Structures in Fiction and Non-Fiction
  2. Creating Tension and Conflict in Plotlines
  3. Crafting Engaging Beginnings to Hook Readers
  4. Developing Rising Action and Climactic Moments
  5. Exploring Subplots and Parallel Storylines
  6. Mapping Out Plot Points and Turning Points
  7. Weaving Themes Throughout the Narrative
  8. Building Suspense and Foreshadowing Events
  9. Editing and Revising Plot for Coherence and Impact
Diving Deep into Dialogue and Voice
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Writing Authentic and Dynamic Dialogue
  2. Developing Distinct Voices for Characters
  3. Exploring Narrative Voice and Point of View Choices
  4. Balancing Dialogue with Descriptive Narration
  5. Using Dialogue Tags and Punctuation Effectively
  6. Creating Natural Flow and Rhythm in Dialogue
  7. Conveying Emotions and Subtext through Dialogue
  8. Experimenting with Different Dialogue Styles
  9. Polishing Dialogue for Clarity and Impact
Exploring Genre-Specific Techniques and Conventions
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Understanding Genre Expectations and Reader Preferences
  2. Adapting Writing Style to Different Genres
  3. Incorporating Genre-Specific Themes and Motifs
  4. Experimenting with Genre Mashups and Hybrid Styles
  5. Researching Genre Conventions and Tropes
  6. Deconstructing Bestsellers in Various Genres
  7. Applying Genre-Specific Pacing and Structure
  8. Crafting Endings that Satisfy Genre Expectations
  9. Revising Writing to Fit Genre Conventions
Enhancing Writing through Literary Devices and Techniques
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Exploring Symbolism and Allegory in Writing
  2. Using Metaphors and Similes to Enhance Descriptions
  3. Employing Foreshadowing and Irony for Narrative Depth
  4. Experimenting with Flashbacks and Nonlinear Narratives
  5. Crafting Suspense through Red Herrings and Misdirection
  6. Employing Alliteration and Assonance for Rhythmic Writing
  7. Incorporating Imagery and Sensory Details
  8. Playing with Tone and Mood to Set the Atmosphere
  9. Analyzing Literary Devices in Published Works
Polishing Writing Style and Language Mastery
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Developing a Unique Writing Style Across Genres
  2. Mastering Grammar, Punctuation, and Syntax
  3. Enhancing Vocabulary and Word Choice
  4. Crafting Clear and Concise Sentences
  5. Avoiding Clichés and Overused Phrases
  6. Editing for Clarity and Cohesion
  7. Experimenting with Sentence Structures and Lengths
  8. Seeking Feedback on Writing Style
  9. Refining Writing Voice and Persona
Exploring Non-Fiction Writing Techniques
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Understanding the Nuances of Non-Fiction Writing
  2. Researching and Fact-Checking for Non-Fiction Works
  3. Crafting Compelling Arguments and Persuasive Essays
  4. Interviewing Techniques for Non-Fiction Writing
  5. Incorporating Personal Narratives in Non-Fiction
  6. Exploring Different Non-Fiction Genres (e.g., memoir, self-help)
  7. Citing Sources and Referencing in Non-Fiction
  8. Structuring Non-Fiction Pieces for Clarity and Impact
  9. Blending Creative Elements with Factual Writing
Embracing the Revision and Editing Process
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. The Importance of Revision in the Writing Process
  2. Developing a Systematic Approach to Editing
  3. Revising for Content, Structure, and Flow
  4. Editing for Grammar, Punctuation, and Style
  5. Seeking Feedback and Constructive Criticism
  6. Utilizing Editing Tools and Resources
  7. Understanding the Difference Between Editing and Proofreading
  8. Revisiting and Revising Earlier Drafts
  9. Creating a Final Polished Manuscript
Culminating Project: Writing Across Genres
9 Lessons0 Quizzes0 Google Meets
  1. Developing a Book Proposal Across Fiction and Non-Fiction
  2. Outlining and Planning a Full-Length Book
  3. Writing Excerpts from Different Genres
  4. Incorporating Feedback and Revising Book Chapters
  5. Presenting and Sharing Book Writing Progress
  6. Reflecting on the Writing Process and Growth
  7. Preparing a Pitch for Literary Agents or Publishers
  8. Showcasing Completed Book Sections
  9. Celebrating and Sharing Accomplishments
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Book Writing Across all Genres Fiction and Non-Fiction
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